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In an event on Dec 17th, organized by Thulo Inc, a new cloud platform SaaS focused on the tourism industry of Nepal was introduced. And this is something of an interesting concept turned into reality. It is under the Thulo Group organization, which is also a pioneer of e-commerce in Nepal.
The current scenario of Nepali tourism is a bit traditional. Gone are the days when you had to enquire by telephone about all kinds of tickets, hotel bookings and travel packages. But there still exist a bit of hassle when it comes to searching for various travel itineraries. And it’s not easy for the tourism businesses either. Meeting client requirements is not easy. Combining Airlines, Hotels and Holiday packages is a tough task and updating them constantly is another.
Enter Tourism Core. It is a new cloud platform, as a growth engine for tourism businesses. The first of its kind in Nepal, it is an all-in-one cloud platform that helps tourism businesses expand, improve and develop their services. In a nutshell, it will enable such businesses to sell domestic and international airline tickets, holiday packages and hotel rooms right from their website.
Read the Full Story Here: https://www.gadgetbytenepal.com/tourism-core-launched/