Talk to your account manager directly by loggind into your cloud.
If you are our existing cloud user, you can request support through your Account Manager assigned within your cloud account. To login to your cloud account click here.
If you are new to Tourism Core, you might want to explore and signup for solution that meets your requirement. If you do not know what products fits your tourism business, our business consultants are available to answer your pre-sale queries.
If you know your login credentials, you can easyily access to My Cloud by visiting in your browser, or call directly to your account manager who help you re-gain access to your My Cloud.
Yes, after you provide role based access to your employee groups, you can allow certain type of employees to seek support. However, all the employees under your company can request for support within their My Cloud.
Tourism Core assigns a dedicated staff to manage all your activities in our cloud platform. You can request support, ask for suggestions and seek help at your convinience. All the contact details and communication tools are avilable within your cloud account to contact your account manager even on holidays and off-hours.